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Simplexity, Simplifying Principles for a Complex World
Odile Jacob
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Simplifying Principles for a Complex World

Odile Jacob


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“Simplexity, as I understand it, is the range of solutions living organisms
have found, despite the complexity of natural processes, to enable the brain
to prepare an action and plan for the consequences of it. These solutions are
simplifying principles that enable the processing of information or
situations, by taking into account past experience and anticipating the
future. They are neither caricatures, shortcuts, or summaries. They are new
ways of asking questions, sometimes at the cost of occasional detours, in
order to achieve faster, more elegant, more effective actions.” A. B. As Alain
Berthoz demonstrates in this profoundly original book, simplicity is never
easy; it requires suppressing, selecting, connecting, thinking, in order to
then act in the best way possible. And what if we, in turn, are inspired by
the living world to process the complexity that surrounds us? Alain Berthoz is
professor at the Collège de France where he is co-director of the Laboratoire
de physiologie de la perception et de l’action. [Laboratory for the physiology
of perception and action]. He is a member of the French Academy of Sciences,
and is the author of Le Sens du mouvement [The Brain's Sense of Movement] and
La Décision [Emotion and Reason].
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